Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Scam Related to Buy iPhone in Denver

  • Scammers focused on homelessness and the most in need of money.
  • Convince them to buy an iPhone in the Apple Store for the contract and then bought a couple of hundred dollars.
  • People were fooled into believing that they may cancel the contract within a few days.
Denver scammers take advantage of buying iPhone to homeless
Unfortunately , high-value products such as the iPhone(iphone cases cheap) or iPad are usually closely related to the organization of scams to small and large level to try to profit from the price they have these devices on the market. Recently, it has been found a new scam in the city of Denver regarding the purchase of iPhone into one of the most vulnerable groups.
Apparently , the homeless and the desperate need to raise money quickly to pay their bills , are being targeted by a group of scammers. These individuals are dedicated to use these people to buy an iPhone contract in some of the Apple Store.
Once the transaction is done , scammers pay a couple hundred dollars a buyer who just purchased the contract at the Apple Store, totally out of the actual price that has the device on the market . Thus, the scammers get their hands on the brand new iPhone for a few hundred dollars, allowing them to seamlessly sell the actual market price. Homeless people , of course, fall into the trap and are tied to a monthly contract to be paid religiously.
Apparently , scammers around homeless shelters and plasma donation clinics move to find people in urgent need of money. Once they have located the victim, leading to an Apple Store and you are convinced that the contract signed may be canceled in a few days .
Scammers convince their victims that contracts may be canceled without any problem
Some of the experiences described the modus operandi of this network of scammers : "I thought it was an amazing money. I was so desperate. " Another citizen admits he is in a hole " $ 60,000 " and that "they are targeting anyone who seems vulnerable. "
As reported in BGR , an average American Apple(iphone 5 cases cheap) Store captured on a single transaction in which the scammer to convince someone else to acquire an iPhone. Apparently , the man was the owner of a mobile phone company that is dedicated to sell unlocked in other countries. So far, Apple has not commented on this.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 beats iPhone 5S in the first weekend of launch in the U.S. and Canada

Samsung Galaxy S5 is also recorded excellent sales on the North American market, where the Korean manufacturer has invested heavily over the last year especially with regard to events and advertising. Thanks to iQmetrix , we have an infographic that allows us to better analyze sales during the first weekend of the launch of the Galaxy S5 in the United States and Canada.
According to data extrapolated by the Samsung Galaxy S5 would beat the iPhone 5S(iphone 5 cases cheap) in both countries with regard to the first weekend of sales, with about 5 % advantage , especially in the U.S. where the difference is even more pronounced.
The analysis was conducted through more than 15,000 stores covered by the service iQmetrix . During the first weekend of sales Galaxy S5(samsung galaxy s4 cases) has covered a quarter of the total sales of smartphones in the U.S. , compared with 18% of iPhone 5S . Analyzing the statistics by region always in U.S. territory , we find that in areas such as Texas , there was the greatest concentration of sales.
Excellent results then, even in an area where Samsung has really struggled in the past to assert itself .

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Apple iPhone but it works less iPad

As we live our colleagues have Applesfera are already in the air results in the second quarter from Apple. This recurring appointment is important because it gives us official figures for sales of hardware products from the Cupertino company . And there are important developments.
We start with revenues that have been 45,600 million to a profit of 10,200 million. Again outrageous and in fact has caused the company's shares are up .
But what's interesting is in the sales of its hardware products , where the surprise has given the iPhone(cute phone cases), which has been placed on the market 43.7 million units , five million above analyst estimates . Surely the arrival of the iPhone to China has given this push from that intended . Anyway, sales growth compared to last year is quite impressive : nearly 18% , and accounts for more than half of the income of the company on the block .
In the tablet market , as we guessed , there have been slow and the 19.7 million that were expected to be in the market Apple finally the sales figure was considerably lower : 16.3 million iPads , which is down 15% compared to last year sold .
Of other important products of the company have to mention the more than 4 million Macs sold and nearly 3 million iPods that have come out of the windows to the homes of consumers, in more or less expected. Another interesting fact which speaks well for Apple are 800 million iTunes accounts .

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Samsung Galaxy QHD screen , Exynos processor and Intel LTE modem appears

During the period preceding the submission of the Samsung Galaxy S5 months, there were all kinds of rumors about him . Among them, some of the most notorious were those who claimed that include a screen resolution 2K or own Exynos 8-core processors . Finally it was not, and as we all already know , the screen of the S5 grew to 5.2 inches but did not pass the resolution FullHD , at least for now .
That is why more rumors emerged , this time to ensure that there would be two versions of the S5 , normal and already submitted , and other premium , which is not too far from reality but ultimately was not carried out . That's what I say from SamMobile(bling phone cases) , who have revealed different documents and logs in which there are indications S5 prototypes with different characteristics.
Samsung discarded prototypes 2K screens
Samsung began developing the project as K S5 , also called G900 , whose first intention was to create a device with 5.2 inch AMOLED QHD resolution panel ( 2560 × 1440 ) . They created different prototypes , they included the S5 3G version of this screen ( or G900H called " k3g " ) , but after several product reviews and other LTE connectivity ( " klte " ) , they finally rejected adopting the FullHD panel.
This would explain the large number of rumors about the screen because Samsung was working on it and possibly see in a future Galaxy , maybe the Note 4 ?
Appears on the scene LTE Samsung KQ
Besides these prototypes S5 Galaxy other variants have been identified , and with the call cuadrarían " Prime S5 " . According to records, the internal name is KQ LTE and its features not only the QHD screen, but also a change of processor, which would set aside the tremendous Qualcomm Snapdragon to put a Exynos 5430 with Intel XMM7260 LTE modem included .
Not the first time we talk about this Exynos processor , it is a SoC with eight cores, the evolution of the 5422 , combining A15 cores at 2.1GHz to 1.5GHz and A7 Mali GPU which had received a redesign of the graphics controller for supporting and moving the 2K resolution more efficiently.
Combination ? Exynos SoC and LTE modem for the next generation Intel ?
However, unlike the Qualcomm SoC , who monopolize the market for high-end devices , Samsung Exynos(cases for iphone 5c) combine their modems with support for LTE networks Intel for the international market . Do you think Samsung Snapdragon sideline at some point?
Sooner or later the QHD screens prototypes will end devices and the Korean automaker may offer bets on different models depending on the hardware ( processor Exynos or Qualcomm ) according to the market to which it is addressed, as it has done with other devices in its catalog.
All these are only leaks, but what is clear is that Samsung will not want to stay behind and is already working on the next generation of high-end smartphones , especially if we consider what is rumored for LG G3.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The reasons for Apple to sell the iPhone priced over $ 6100

Would it be a business suicide that Cupertino will increase the price of its flagship product ? Experience tells us no, because many users would still be willing to pay more
From the very moment of its existence Apple decided it would be a company to everyone. That has always been their philosophy , their brand, the rationale of products which , although desired by all , only a few can afford. An essence chosen by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak when they devised the first personal computer and through which Apple became long ago in a gold mine because of its efforts to sell difference , a concept in Cupertino seems to be seared and has marked the company a path of thought that has ever deviate .
In a market where the price trend is falling and where competition in the sector is more than evident, why should Apple choose to increase once again , the amount of the iPhone(iphone 4 cases) as some rumors suggest ? It is possible that if we did this same question to a director of the company you answered so soon how are you two words : " Think Different ."
As noted by a report published this week by " Business Insider " strategy CEO of Apple, Tim Cook , facing the commercialization of the next iPhone in June would increase by $ 100 for the price of the terminal. As the publication says , " Apple is thinking different " ( Apple is thinking different) and also - remember " Business Insider " - Apple executives are more than aware of the power they wield in certain users , more than willing to loosen the purse exchange for having in his hands the jewel of the company.
Earlier this month, an internal presentation of Apple who had access to various media showed how the Cupertino know they are not making what the bulk of the users claimed. According to the report , potential customers looking for the perfect " smartphone " is two basic premises : that your screen is more than four inches and the price does not exceed $ 300.
Apple obviously knowingly ignores market trends and chooses to go against because, despite everything , still get benefits. Paradoxical ? ? Not at all because it is true that the technical characteristics and the price does not fit with what is offered by other brands , so is that Apple knows that the iPhone has something that all crave : it is considered a luxury .
"It is not about selling more"
Meet market requirements of the report would mean for Apple betraying principles that the company has always defended tooth and nail , even when the criticism of his policies became increasingly harsh. Simplicity and difference are , for the Cupertino , above anything and these are undoubtedly two of the ingredients that Apple have provided an undeniable aura of exclusivity by the customer would pay even though the price will increase.
Precisely this idea some time defended Ken Segall , creator of the successful campaign " Think Different " during an exclusive interview with ABC newspaper in which respect to battle Apple - Samsung said the following: " Apple has never wanted to be such as Samsung , while they focus on selling to everyone , we want to be different . Samsung wants to reach , make products for any profile . That's not the idea of ​​Apple, which is to sell an experience and values ​​. In fact , he said , if Apple does not sell as much as Samsung is because you've never tried, because it is not in his philosophy . It is not to sell more , but to make the best product. Samsung can never be like Apple . "
Many want an iPhone
A recent study published by analyst firm Piper Jaffrays said recently that teenagers prefer to have an iPhone over any other terminal. According to the report , 61% of young Americans have bought an iPhone and would be interested in purchasing an iWatch if Apple decides to launch it. The same goes for tablets , on which the study found that 60 % of teenagers have an iPad while 66 % of those who do not own any tablet have thought about getting a version of Apple in the future.
Maybe this trend theory that human beings always crave what you can not afford it is, but the fact is that , despite the increasing penetration of Android on the market , there are few who would choose to have a terminal iOS if your pocketbook will allow . Another interesting study published last year by MapBox concluded , after analyzing 280 million " tweets " that Apple terminal is used in the most populated areas of the city centers while Android is more popular in suburban areas.
Long lines to have an iPhone
Apple When she released the first iPhone, the furor among users of Cupertino reached unexpected levels . The long lines at Apple outlets around the world, or the anxiety of many users for being photographed with the phone in his hands illustrated television news and newspaper pages , as always , eco ' are fan phenomenon " that Apple among its users. Is the line of eager would be reduced if the terminal rise $ 100 ?
Perhaps one of the most obvious signs that the path of differentiation chosen by Apple is successful in your case is the example of the iPhone 5C(iphone 5c cover) or what is the same , the output of the company by offering a middle way lower quality product at a slightly lower price.
The truth is that if the terminal has not found its place in the market - there for whom technology has brought disappointment 2013 - has been, among other things , by the fact of having disappointed those who expected the iPhone as a " lowcost " and all I found was a little cheaper but not suitable for all audiences version . Rumors of price increases confirmed the iPhone 6, the company would emphasize once again , which has always been his only way of looking at the market. Not everyone can have an iPhone.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Identikit of iPhone users and those who prefer Android

American investigation to trace the profile of the average user who uses iOS or Android ends up revealing unexpected data : it starts on income and computer skills , to end alcohol
Have you ever asked you what is the identikit of the user of iPhone and Android smartphone ?
To me it often . When you are underground or in the mail queue , in those rare cases where people do not have the phone in hand , after a brief and very personal profile of the subject , I wonder if it's a type from the iPhone or Samsung / LG / Sony (or Blackberry or Nokia / Windows Phone). Of course, I rely more on stereotypes , prejudices and personal stationary of various types.
Now, however, this play comes to the rescue my research that , although made ​​only on the U.S. population , can be very useful . There is this research institute - Civic Science - specializing in the study of the profile of the consumers - which conducted a survey on its database consisting of 27 million people in the United States to draw an identikit of its kind that uses iOS(cute iphone 5c cases) and the average that uses Android. The base of the research is to see who owns the deviation of the two operating systems of smartphones compared to the average of the population and analyze the indexes of the most significant concentrations ( under and over -weight ) .
For example : if it is true that the American population is made up of 49 % male and 51 % female , the fact that owners of Android smartphones is composed of 56 % by males ( 44 % women ) there says that the people of Android has an over weight men by 14% (ratio between 56 and 49).
Ok , let's start .
Who uses the iPhone is more educated ( over -weight by 27% compared to the average of the U.S. population and PhD graduates and under- weight of 33% of the graduates , while the deviations of Androidiani are more limited) on average richer (high concentration on a household income of more than 100 thousand dollars and more than 125 thousand , while those who use Android has a profile close to the average of the U.S. population ) .
There are significant differences in terms of age, but there are interesting distinctions with regard to the profession : Android makes the people work in the field of technical-specialist - technical -medical ( over -weight of 50%) while the iPhone(hello kitty iphone 4 case) owners are more professionals, managers and sales people . Both have a weight less than the average of workers and retirees. Most are aware of the technology Androidiani ( ov 35% vs . 22% of iOS users) , both have eliminated the fixed telephone line, while the more addicted to apps and digital services are clearly the iPhoners ( ov 67% vs . 39 % of Android users) .
So the Androidiani are generally the most hard-core technology and less well-off , while the people 's iOS has a higher income , higher education and technology enthusiasts would say that the most enthusiastic, but more like consumers ' producers ' .
This tells us a few things from the commercial point of view : first , that where there is iPhone running the money , and second, that iOS has a customer base of more value and loyalty .
Ah , the last notation of color (read LOL ) that do not believe has great statistical value , but only the result of a random intersection of data: Androidiani Americans are fond of alcoholic beverages ( 33 % concentration compared to the average of the U.S. population ) .

Monday, April 14, 2014

New features of the Samsung Galaxy S5

Meet the unique features with which the South Korean company has equipped its new flagship
The Samsung Galaxy S5 is already available in stores. Everyone is aware that this is one of the Android lead the market this 2014, but many do not know which are the major new features included in the new smartphone from the South Korean company . Beyond the screen resolution, processor, RAM , camera, etc., where almost all manufacturers offer similar results , today what makes the difference are the special features of each. And the Samsung Galaxy S5(best note 3 cases) brings a few unique options that you have below.
Fingerprint Reader
Following the lead of Apple Samsung has equipped its new flagship of a fingerprint scanner on the main button. Slide your finger down safely mobile unlocked , you can pay with PayPal or access the Secure mode , which we will discuss later .
Competition , especially Sony, was having a great impact on a property that Samsung was only implemented in a few terminals: water resistance . But it looks like that's gonna change from now , the Galaxy S5 has IP67 certification to ensure that water is waterproof and dustproof , so it can be used in many more situations.
The boomers are having sports accessories has not gone unnoticed by the Asian multinational has an inbuilt heart rate monitor just below the camera . This measure our heart rate and send information to the S Health application to keep track of our state.
Booster Downloader
The Galaxy S5 now incorporates a new way of downloading: Booster Downloader . This achieves much higher for downloading files and web browsing by combining WiFi and 4G device connections , achieving up to 400 Mbps speeds.
Ultra Power Saving Mode
By the time the 2,800 mAh battery is not enough Samsung has developed this new mode goes a step further extend the autonomy to get the terminal to the limit. And according to the Asian company if the function is active is achieved with only 10% of the smartphone battery that will operate 24 hours. This is possible because the screen becomes black and white and all non - essential applications can configure this section are disabled . A priori is truly amazing , but we have to the " Ultra Power Saving " in action .
Activation lock
Lost / stolen phone is always a risk involved and a considerable problem for the amount of personal and sensitive information we store in it. To try to alleviate the consequences Samsung has created the " Activation lock 'system. This locks the Galaxy S5 if someone tries to reset it without permission , then locate it with " Find My Mobile ".
Baby Monitoring System
With the second generation of accessories - Smart Clock Gear Gear 2 and Galaxy Gear Bracelet Fit- Samsung 's new phone system can be a baby monitor . The user can link both devices and leave the smartphone with the little kids and this will act as communicator to camera or from Gear being aware at all times .
Child Mode
Thinking of adults who leave their phone to children. Samsung has included within the Galaxy S5(HTC One M7 Case) option to activate one can access a restricted area and blocks all other terminal functions allowing children to use only applications, which of course are available for download . To return to the classic mode you need to enter a password, ensuring that younger children can not access inappropriate content.
Safe Mode
The South Korean company has evolved Knox, your security system , version 2.0 . Now can store passwords in a protected area of the device, create secure folders - you save images, videos or any type of file , to which can only be accessed by key fingerprint or footprint .
4K Video Recording
The new Galaxy S5 camera offers the possibility of recording UltraHD 4K resolution video at 30 frames per second.

Friday, April 11, 2014

So would the two new Apple iPhone 6

As has happened before , it approaches increasingly presentation next inteligentey phone analyst Ming Chi Kuo of KGI Securities, returns to offer a " prediction" of plans for the Cupertino company . As you can imagine , this analyst is not " any one " but has previously shown that enjoys reliable sources that provide internal information , but sometimes certain information ends up demoestrarse not be true , but might consider it reliable. This time conveys information about two new smartphones from Apple, the new iPhone 6.
As we advanced , Ming Chi Kuo , an analyst at KGI Securities, previously disclosed information relating to products from the Cupertino company has not yet filed . And when the next major release of the new smartphone from the company's bitten apple , the manufacturer Apple , it could not be otherwise . However, this time we " surprised " revealing the possibility that , as expected based on previous rumors and leaks , Apple is going to launch , instead of a single iPhone 6(cheap iphone 4 cases), two variants of this device would differ , among other respects, the size of your screen, and likewise, the size or the overall size of the smartphone. Below you will find all the details that Ming Chi Kuo has contributed.
Two new iPhone 6, a smartphone and a phablet
As we learned through previous leaks and rumors, Ming Chi Kuo bows to the possibility that Apple will launch two variants or models of the iPhone 6, and according to the information of the analyst that this provides us , we would find two iPhone soon 6 Apple stores , a model with a 4.7-inch screen diagonal listed as - the - smartphone , and moreover a model with 5.5 inch screen diagonal. It would be well , the display hardware component that mark the main difference in the technical specifications of each other device. And, as pointed Ming Chi Kuo, we find in the two new smartphones Apple iPhone 6, the new A8 chipset with dual-core processor and 64-bit architecture together , once again , only 1 GB of RAM. Moreover, notes the analyst of KGI Securities that the biometric fingerprint sensor called Touch Apple ID will be maintained, although it is expected that iOS same eight functions are expanded significantly.
Developers do not have to redesign their applications
Following the information provided by KGI Securities analyst , the iPhone 6 screen 4.7-inch diagonal offer a resolution of 1334 × 740 pixels, which would result in a density of 326 pixels per inch. Moreover, the variant of the iPhone 6 screen diagonal of 5.5 inches would have a Full HD resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels that would provide the greatest iPhone 6 a density of 401 pixels per inch. Although , as noted by our source, the resolutions are " odd " Apple is expected to continue at its two new iPhone in June the same aspect ratio of 16:9 , which would translate directly to software developers , applications, games and others - who have already developed applications for iPhone 5 or above 5s would not have to re- design them.
Certainly, this aspect is one of the most important , according to reliable sources , for the Cupertino company . Give a " jump" in screen size may involve, depending on the design of the new Apple devices, change the aspect ratio of pixels in the panel, and the same would be a problem for developers who would be forced to redesign their besides which otherwise would also mean a setback for Apple itself , as also directly influence its mobile operating system iOS, with the new iPhone 6 is expected to be upgraded to iOS 8. applications
Apple iPhone 6 would not want a cumbersome and therefore have certain changes
No doubt , if a smartphone grows in size between the model from one generation to the next, the ease of use can be very easily altered in its negative sense. Therefore, according to Ming Chi Kuo, the power button of the iPhone 6 would be part of the right side of the device , and not the top , and so in this way the user can facilitate the extent to thumb a button which not only serves to turn on and off the device , but also to lock and unlock it - even if it is used to a greater extent the home button with the biometric sensor for fingerprint ID Touch .
And , moreover , it is also clear that the thickness and other dimensions of the device are essential . Apple may have intended - or even "need" - to grow their screen smart phones, but is necessary to make the screen larger , the height or width also altered look ? And to this question , Ming Chi Kuo responds telling us that the new iPhone 6 will show a screen bezels - frames - between 10% and 20% lower , while the thickness of both would be around 6.5 or 7 mm . Based on this earlier , previous rumors and leaks have opened the possibility of the virtual absence of chamfers and , moreover , a possible thickness of only 6 mm for the body of the iPhone 6, but Kuo offers something different data.
Finally for this section let an interesting fact that Ming Chi Kuo gives us . As you will have been able to appreciate these past generations of Apple smartphone , we remember this year is " doubled " with the iPhone 5c(best iphone 5c cases), the NFC -Near Field Contact- technology has been conspicuous by its absence. However, Kuo notes that this year , with the new iPhone 6 which has been " long and hard " detallándonos , NFC and themselves form part of the technical specifications. This information is not, even remotely, preposterous , since in recent months have been several patents that have appeared on this technology , and of course Apple.
When presented to the market and Apple launched its new iPhone in June ?
Early in the afternoon we offered Apple 's alleged plans for this year 2014. In this publication , we can not only gain insight dates expected to be presented and marketed two new iPhone 6 which Kuo notes , but we also know when it is expected that other Apple devices go through the same procedure to be on sale in stores.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The 7 Improvements Should Incorporate Future Apple iPhone 6

  • We present seven features that Apple should consider before launching the iPhone 6 .
  • More screen, more autonomy, improved Siri and iOS 8 in general and much more.
Some aspects that Apple should improve with the arrival of the new iPhone in June
We know that the need for the iPhone 6 have an significant increase of the screen is a must for the Cupertino meet the needs of today's consumers have. Furthermore, we believe that would not be enough to convince the public that the new iPhone 6 should be a revolution in technology(pink iphone case) , so we wanted to unveil a number of features and improvements that should bring the next generation of iPhone to recover once and for all the true Apple we all know.
The iPhone 5 and the iPhone 5s share a 4-inch screen with a resolution of 1136 × 640 pixels , which was the average of a smartphone size in 2012, but as we can see in the chart below , the increase in screen size has grown significantly in the past two years , and the current average size is about 5 inches and with a much higher resolution .
This demonstrates once again the consumer preferences for larger smartphone , so launch an iPhone 6 with a larger screen would be a must to Apple.
7 features that should have the new iPhone in June
According to a document shared by Jay Yarow , there are seven aspects of the iPhone 5 (full range , including 5s and 5c ) customers would like to change with the arrival of new iPhone 6 and it is these that we present below :
The battery
Still too many rumors to talk about the iPhone battery 6 have not arisen, but it is logical that if finally has a larger screen , the battery has a higher capacity. However, it would be to see if the length of it would remain or would have greater autonomy.
Improve the Apple Maps application
With the arrival of the iPhone 5 , Apple put an end to the native Google Maps application on your operating system and decided to launch its own map application . This received some improvements with the arrival of iOS 7, but are not enough to convince users . Therefore , it is expected that the new iOS eight count with significant improvements in the Apple Maps application and provides enhanced data and a more compelling user experience .
A bigger screen !
What at first appeared to be a treat for many , has now become a necessity to Apple. As we have seen before, consumers increasingly demand a smartphone with a larger screen , so Apple can not fail in this aspect . According to rumors , it seems clear that Apple obtará for a larger screen with the iPhone 6, which may be around 5 inches , and could even get in two different versions: one 4.7-inch and one 5.5 inches.
Lightning a stronger wire
With the arrival of the iPhone 5(hello kitty iphone 4 case) , Apple introduced the lightning cable and after almost two years it seems that users are not entirely satisfied with this type of cable. The reversible design is something that appeals to most users , however , claim to the four winds the cable is much more than the current resistene and is long lasting , as it seems , they break easily .
Older iPhone 6 customization options
The design of the iPhone and the current software iOS 7, no offer many customization options to users, unless you have installed the jailbreak on your device.
Apple wanted to respond to these needs with a third color of iPhone 5s and variety of colors 5c iPhone , but that was not enough for most users and the Apple iPhone launch in June expect more variety of colors.
Some Siri - age iOS 8 and iPhone 6
Apple confirmed the purchase of a speech recognition company that brings new technology and new professionals to Apple. With this acquisition, Apple is expected to include significant to the intelligent voice assistant Siri improvements. Novauris , the company in question has a voice recognition technology that goes beyond understanding a single word , it is capable of identifying complete sentences , which invites us to think that Siri is even smarter than it is currently .
A stronger iPhone 6
The new iPhone 5s is substantially more scratch resistant than the previous iPhone 5 thanks to its aluminum frame. But Apple got a patent related to the creation of an impermeable screen and therefore waterproof. According to the guys Gottamobile not know if it is applied to patent iPhone 6, but it seems clear that Apple needs to improve the strength and durability of the iPhone 6.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pure 0.3, the ultra- slim covers for iPhone 5/5s - Review iPhoneItalia

One of the latest innovations in the field of pure cases is 0.3 , a model ultra slim compatible with the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s(mint green iphone 5 case) .
The 0.3 comes in a very nice package and youth , the same color of the case and with basic information about the product. The new cover of Pure is very special, as it is made ​​of silicone , but has a profile so thin and so light weight that it seems almost a sheet of paper. Even in hand, we can abuse the case in a thousand ways , and will always return to its original form thanks to the ultra- flexible PU .
Explain in words what this case is both subtle light is impossible , but if we tell you that the object closer to 0.3 is a piece of paper then you have to believe it.
Its shape can then wrap perfectly to the iPhone, shaping all its lines and revealing the design of the device. The hole in the top then allows you to use the camera and its LED flash , without any kind of problem.
The 0.3 is in fact semi- transparent , in order not to completely hide the iPhone at its core, but also offers a color tone very cute and cheeky . The case that we tried is blue , but Pure also offers models in black, neon pink and transparent. On the side, in the lower part , the Puro logo is printed in a very simple .
Thanks to the ultra- flexible material , insert and remove the iPhone from 0.3 two operations are very simple and very quick to make . As mentioned at the beginning , the shape of the housing Pure fits perfectly to the lines of the iPhone : we tried hard to wrap houses so than the shape of the device .
In addition to the previously mentioned hole for the camera, the 0.3 also has an additional open space for the key of the vibration , which is easy to use . The volume buttons , on the other hand , are covered by the case and this makes it a bit ' more awkward to use , since it is necessary to make a slightly greater pressure to raise or lower the sound. Same goes for the sleep button at the top, while the bottom of the openings are pretty much perfect for microphone , speaker and connector Lightning.
As for protection, 0.3 has the edge slightly thicker and this ensures a good defense from drops and bumps of a certain entity(hello kitty iphone 4s case). In addition , the edges protrude slightly from the display , and this should cushion any falls to " face" down. Also good protection from scratches and dust , as the case does not pass any grain in it.
The 0.3 is a case of pure ultra-light and ultra -slim , as there's hardly around. Of course , the protection can not be compared to other thicker products , but we were still at levels that are more than good enough for most users . Pure also offers different colors , in addition to a transparent model for the most purists .
  • Lightweight and thin
  • Colors well done
  • Ease of insertion of the iPhone
  • Not suitable to protect in extreme conditions
  • Volume buttons and sleep heavier