The system is used Geekbench benchmark, which is responsible for testing CPU and memory(cheap cell phone cases), instead of the graphics. The first result that emerges is simply amazing: in the single-core Nexus 9 gets almost double the score of the best Android devices, Galaxy Note 4 of all, and manages to get behind even Apple devices, undisputed champions until this time. In multi-core anyway Nexus 9 defends very well, exceeded only by the last phablet Samsung.
Geekbench also shows the operating frequency of 2.5GHz, while the official specifications of Nexus 9(Cheap iPhone 6 Cases) show a clock frequency of 2.3GHz. This is to remind you to take, as always, the benchmark results with caution. After all, these are preliminary tests that will be confirmed once we got our hands on the new tablet from Google.
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