The known information portal explains why the I9300 is not suitable for the reception of KitKat
He tried to give an explanation to things SamMobile, in an article. The text starts with an assumption: the I9300 can not be considered an ideal candidate for receiving KitKat because, although designed to run on devices with a minimum of 512 MB of RAM, the reference case is the pure form of Android (think of the Nexus line of devices, for example, or the latest Motorola), free from the bloatware of proprietary features of the manufacturer that go more often to flood the system.
This, says the well-known portal, brings us to the next point: it is a flagship device, the Samsung Galaxy S3(samsung galaxy s3 cases) is a feature rich advanced software, untraceable device on middle or low range (which results in a greater demand for RAM) . The display, 720p, combined with the demand of the applications in terms of quantity RAM and CPU power, drives the increased demand for resources, compared to smaller phones, equipped with WVGA or qHD.
The Samsung TouchWiz UX, very heavy, certainly does not help: all devices that the company is upgrading to KitKat has at least 1.5 GB of RAM. The latest models that you have mentioned above, although only 512 MB of minutes, they can rely on specially streamlined interface, called TouchWiz Essence.
Some users would rather give up some software features top of the range, just to see updated its Samsung Galaxy S3(cheap iphone 5 case) to KitKat. The company, however, could not risk a thing, depriving the owners even just a feature that maybe she could go to someone comfortable. Natural then that behind the decision of the failure to update there are also matters of which we are not here to talk. With new advances, it is obvious that Samsung thinks of his interests.
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