Tuesday, August 26, 2014

iPhone 6 against G3 LG, HTC One M8, Samsung Galaxy S5 and iPhone 5s: maxi-comparison with top of the range

Credits - For the iPhone 6 concept: Tomas Moyano / Nicolas Aichino - For other devices, the rights belong to their respective manufacturers
We have two weeks to 9 September, when Apple CEO Tim Cook officially unveil the highly anticipated iPhone 6: The device, as is always the case for the products of the house of the bitten apple, has long been at the center of speculation and rumor, and not is practically the past day in recent months without some new detail, more or less reliable, emerge.
But how will position the iPhone 6(cheap phone cases) compared to the other top of the range currently on the market? We have tried to answer this question with a maxi-confrontation, in which the new smartphone of Cupertino is confronted with the most important high-end devices.
Clearly, as is easy to imagine, it is a comparison not particularly reliable. In the first place because the specifications of the iPhone 6 are not official, but it is the most reliable rumor leaked to date: as many rumors are true, or at least seemed plausible, the mathematical certainty about the characteristics of the new iPhone you will have only 9 September. Furthermore, it is always good to keep in mind that the specifications of a device are important, but they do not say anything about the actual performance: for what is always necessary to take into account the experience of use.
Nevertheless, in the expectation that the iPhone 6 will be revealed, may be of interest put it side by side with the other "big boys" of the market and see how it could be competitive. The specifications of the various devices are summarized in the table below.
As for the size, of course the "size" larger than the display will increase the width and height of the iPhone 6 than its predecessor, the iPhone 5s, even if the new iPhone will be thinner than ever (just 7 mm). Obviously, the device will be leaner than the other top of the range taken into consideration, because of the smaller size of the display. There were no reliable rumors about the weight, which will still be higher than that of the iPhone 5s.
In terms of operating system, the iPhone 6 will be the first device with iOS born 8, he will be also available for iPhone 5s immediately after release. speaking of display, the new iPhone, as is now well known that most, will mark a new step forward after the "click" that led to the iPhone 5's screen Melafonino from 3.5 "to 4". However, the display 4.7 "of the iPhone 6 will remain below those offered by top of the range Android, primarily the LG G3 with its screen of 5.5" (which should still be the size of the screen of the second version of the iPhone, which could be called iPhone Air and will be launched later).
The processor of the iPhone 6 should be an Apple A8(samsung galaxy note 3 cases), as a natural evolution of the chip company in Cupertino: according to the rumor should be a dual-core processor with power equal to or greater than 2 GHz. A clear improvement over all 'A7 1.3 GHz iPhone 5s, but theoretically still behind compared to the quad-core 2.5 GHz on board the Samsung Galaxy S5 or G3 LG. However, the power does not explain all of what will be the performance of a device it is necessary to consider how the various components of hardware and software interact, and from this point of view, Apple has always been among the top-level world.
There should be no disruption to the RAM, stops 1 GB as iPhone 5s, while as regards the internal memory will be definitely present versions 32 and 64 GB, but the iPhone 6 could finally see the arrival of the variant 128 GB which many thought would have already been introduced with the iPhone 5s. It is a memory that the top of the range Android (generally available from 16 or 32 GB) reach only thanks to the memory card.
With regard to the camera, for the iPhone 6 rumors were pushed up to a sensor 16 MP. Then this may double the 8 MP camera of the iPhone 5s, and frankly it seems that these rumors have been pushed a bit 'too far with your imagination. Seem more reliable the rumors of an 10MP sensor, with f / 2.0 aperture and optical image stabilization. In this case, the iPhone 6 would be less than Samsung Galaxy S5 and LG G3, but as it is known simply compare cameras based on megapixels is a big mistake: they are always necessary tests based on the actual user experience.
Finally, with regard to the battery the iPhone 6 should provide a leap forward compared to the iPhone 5s, from a 1,570 mAh battery to between 1,800 and 1,900 mAh (in recent weeks have emerged the photos you see to the left, showing a battery from 1,810 mAh). The top of the range Android are far away (just think of the G3 LG 3,000 mAh or 2,800 mAh of the Samsung Galaxy S5), but these devices have larger displays and quad-core processors that, compared to dual-core iPhone 6 impose a higher energy consumption. Also in this case will be necessary testing to assess objectively the autonomy.

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