Sunday, July 20, 2014

iPhone 5, the most sought after in the used market

The Apple smartphone, the iPhone is the most searched on the product, of which the most desired model of web Segundamano buy and rent online by users is the iPhone 5, according to the spokesman assured goal, Beatriz Toribio.
Concrete, as searches conducted in the month of June, the iPhone 5(cheap phone cases) has meant 29.8% of total searches, followed by searches of 5S (19.9%), 4S (17.7%), people looking for an iPhone in general (17.5%) and iPhone 4 (15%).
In an interview published in the blog of Michelangelo Uriondo Expanding, Toribio has indicated that the iPhone in June has led the list of most searched products, followed by bicycle, Samsung, pool and PS4, some relevant data given in that month over 400,000 searches were performed on the portal.
For its part, Samsung has been ranked third most wanted products, where the Galaxy S4 has been the most interest. We have followed the S3, Galaxy general, S5 and S2.
As for the iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and Sony Xperia phones, 63% of people choose the brand of the block to buy a second hand phone, while 30% prefer a Samsung Galaxy and Sony Xperia 7%.
According toribio, "Class I star" of your website is mobile, "both in terms of supply and demand", which has also added that "it is one of the areas where market seasonality seen" since when you get a new model iPhone or Galaxy "searches and listings soar previous model."

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