Tuesday, March 11, 2014

iPhone 6 vs. Sony Xperia Z2:new rumors and Comparison !

There are only a few days for the Sony Xperia Z2 is on the market , however , will have to wait a few months for the iPhone 6. To make the wait more bearable , in melty.es we propose a comparison between the two devices. Remember that everything about the iPhone 6 are rumors ...
While we wait impatiently for the release of the iPhone 6, other firms continue to have their terminals. The Sony Xperia Z2 , which was officially launched at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ​​is proposed as one of the most competitive end of the market, which could also compete with the upcoming release of Apple. As happened with the comparison between the iPhone 6 and the Samsung Galaxy S5(bling phone cases) , the analysis of the differences between these terminals is based on the rumors that have been published about the future iPhone 6 , so you have to wait for its official launch to verify the speculation. Meanwhile , writing melty.es provides a comparison between the features of the Sony Xperia official Z2 and the rumored iPhone 6.
The screen of the Sony Xperia Z2 , which will be released during the month of March is Triluminos of 5.2 inches and a resolution of Full HD 1920 x 1080 pixels. The latest rumors published about the iPhone 6 speak of a screen magnification compared to the iPhone 5S that would be around 5 inches . If a terminal is finally presented without side bezels, the screen would be higher without expanding the size of the phone .
The new phone from Sony has an integrated ultra high definition resolution of 20.7 megapixel camera can record videos in 4K and has a system called SteadyShot image stabilization . It seems unlikely that the iPhone camera 6 exceeds 10 megapixels, and the leaks are that you probably have 8. However, according to speculation , the new Apple have a new larger and improved sensor , higher optical stabilization and an opening that could be f / 2 . All this would result in a considerable improvement in image quality .
In the case of Sony Xperia Z2 we have seen little innovation over its predecessor , saving a slight enlargement of the screen. We do not know what will be the design of the iPhone 6 and will have to wait a few months to know their true image . Meanwhile , rumors speak of the elimination of the side bezels, a slight enlargement of the screen and perhaps finest terminal . Chances are that the company remains true to the classic , elegant look of their phones in the market.
Operating System
The Sony Xperia Z2 is the Android 4.4. KitKat , while the iPhone 6(5c cases) would continue using the iOS system, possibly improved version of iOS 7. As we have said before , they are different systems , each with its advocates and critics, and therefore difficult to compare.
As you already have in melty.es , the Sony Xperia Z2 is waterproof and supports a complete immersion to 1.5 meters for 30 minutes. In contrast, and according to the information published so far, it seems unlikely that the future iPhone 6 has this feature.

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