Thursday, January 31, 2013

Nexus 4, the most desired smartphone

A few days ago we told you about a tablet Bq Spanish brand that was sweeping in sales for its features and price. Well, today we present the smartphone(JIAYU G1) that is devastating for the same reasons, impressive specifications and a greatly reduced price. This time, the guys at Google have teamed up with LG to offer a terminal that does not leave anyone indifferent, the Nexus 4, a powerful terminal that is making things very difficult for the Apple iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 , see their features.
Equipped with a quad-core(ThL A1) processor speed to 1.5GHz, 2GB of RAM and a 4.7 inch screen, we can say without fear of contradiction that is the most powerful smartphone today. The Qualcomm chip S4 Pro Quad Core 1.5 GHz working with the GPU Snapdragon 320 is a high-powered team to move any app or game that boasts today.
With a simple aesthetic and low risk, the Nexus 4 invites to us to test their raw power, both hardware and software.
Its size is very similar to Galaxy S3 while its thickness is slightly larger.
Nexus 4 screen is covered by a glass of Corning, Gorilla Glass 2, resistant to shock and scratches. This 4.7-inch screen IPS True HD Plus offers a resolution of 1,280 x 768 (320 dpi), virtually the same as Apple's Retina Display screen, with deep black levels, vibrant colors and a very powerful brightness.
LG's alliance with Google assures us the latest from Android(THL W6 MTK6577) in this terminal, the newest version is the 4.2 Jelly Bean is coming and installed. With this version we can use Photo Sphere to capture 360-degree images and apply filters and effects. Whether navigating the different desktops as opening menus and apps is smooth, without delays.
So much power needs a good battery, the Nexus 4 2100 mAh equips one whose performance is similar to the Galaxy 3, providing power for a full day and a demanding application. Thanks to Wireless Orb can leverage technology to recover Qi wireless charging battery charging with times similar to those offered by microUSB charging. The terminal is anchored to the dock with a magnet, so we put in a portrait or landscape.
The most obvious disadvantage is the lack of microSD card slot, this prevents us from expanding your memory, leaving little scope to terminal.
Another drawback is its stock, demand has exceeded all expectations and is currently sold out, hopefully soon solve the problems of stock.
In short, a powerful smartphone, which offers the latest technology to 299 euros, if we want the 8GB version or $ 349, if we opt for the 16GB capacity.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

2013 will be the year of phablet (which Apple likes it or not)

Gaining craze of smartphones(JIAYU G1) XXL. More and more companies prepare models with a display of over 5 inches and while the sales increased. But what will Apple?
It is said phablet a smartphone(ThL W3+) with a 5-inch or more, a kind of phone that aspires to be a tablet becoming very little pocket. For a long time, this unusual hybrid has caused widespread hilarity in the hi-tech. Just think of the reception given in 2010 to what can be defined as the first phablet, the Dell Streak, a device with a 5-inch touchscreen that many dismissed as an experiment without the possibility of the future.
In less than three years later, that group of skeptics is forced to change his mind, since devices like the Samsung Galaxy Note now have a very good market success. In addition, all indications suggest believe that 2013 will be the year of phablet g- THL w5 mtk6577.
Last year, the market phablet, reached 25.6 million units, and the market research agency iSuppli IHS does not hesitate to predict that by the end of 2013 this figure will more than double share exceeding 60 million.
"The transition to an offer of smartphones with larger displays reflects the efforts of hardware companies to differentiate their products," said Vinita Jakhanwal in respect of IHS iSuppli "As consumers increasingly require a visual experience as realistic as possible , the tendency to offer similar devices is perfectly understandable, especially considering the increase of high-definition content accessible via smartphones. "
But there are those who are much less cautious. The experts at ABI Research, for example, do not hesitate to opt for a "flood of phablet" for 2013. According to a report published at this time, by January 2014 phablet sold on a global level will exceed 150 million units, bringing to represent 18% of the global smartphone market.
In the light of these predictions is not surprising that the entire mobile landscape is converting its production strategy to include in its park new smartphone models XXL. Even Apple has always been suspicious of screens too generous, has fallen under the spell of the 4-inch iPhone 5 and, wanting to listen to the latest rumors, is preparing to launch from here a few months a new model 4.8 inches.
But for once, Apple is likely to come to the party late. Anyone who has followed closely the recent edition of CES, you know what I mean. While in Cupertino cross swords to determine whether the iPhone deserve a size XL, some of the most important hardware industry giants are preparing to launch on the smartphone market size XXL, with a display that in some cases exceed 6 inches. This is the case of Huawei, which presented a 6.1-inch smartphone. A record, in terms of touch, that soon she could be subtracted from Sony. According to some leaked images in the last hours, the Japanese company would in fact working on a smartphone with 6.4-inch with a resolution of 1080p.
Meanwhile LG has revealed that the next G Optimus Pro will have a 5-inch screen, and rumors that the company would be ready to launch another model by 5.5 inches. The same applies to ZTE, which with its Grand S has joined the family of the over-5 inches.
In short, there is no doubt that the market is going through a phablet encouraging, this does not mean that these giants will be able to establish itself as a standard. There is a strong slice of users who probably will never go to a mobile phone XXL, for reasons of convenience, price, design, or for the simple fact that they use their smartphone to enjoy multimedia content in high definition.

Friday, January 25, 2013

In China, the Coolpad smartphone exceeds Apple sales

Analysts back to say with conviction that Apple would produce a new low-end iPhone for emerging countries. The news today in fact, that a low-end smartphones(ThL W1+) has managed to overcome Apple's sales in China. Obviously for Apple China is a huge market with the number of inhabitants (and possible consumers) in excess of one billion.
What you see in the picture is the Coolpad: a smartphone(JIAYU G2 xda) produced by China Wireless Technologies Ltd. and sold at a price of $ 99. This smartphone, like many other devices, has managed to establish itself in the Chinese market thanks to its affordable price to most of the population.
In terms of sales managed to exceed those of Apple for its iPhone and the manufacturer expects further sales growth of 40% compared to 2012.
According to several analysts then, Apple should produce a low-end iPhone to sell in emerging or developing. In this way, the California company could penetrate the low-end smartphone(ThL W3+) market dominated by Android devices.
In recent times, however, even Verizon is complaining of iPhone sales: the company has declared that 50% of iPhones sold in the last quarter of 2012, were predecessors to 5.
In China it is estimated that in 2013 will be sold as much as 44% of smartphones more than in 2012. For Apple this data could be very interesting, especially in view of the fact that the company has fallen from fourth to sixth place in terms of total sales in the Asian country.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Start of pilot project: Smartphone replaces cash

After a trial at the University may soon be paid in catering at the station by mobile phone - JIAYU G2 dual core. The trade will follow.
Dusseldorf. Student Linda Ruping and her classmate David Jungblut agree: "The system works great." By smartphone to pay for three months of their bills at the cashier of the lively bistros Ex Libris on the campus of Heine University - the coffee, the cake or the meal.
The company pay cash, a Luxembourg supplier of mobile - THL w7 review, cashless vending, has tested the system since the summer in the capital. "There are in Dusseldorf, the highest use of smartphones," says founder Marcus Becker, so he starts with his colleague Jürgen Wolff right here. In addition, the city is one of the leading locations for mobile technologies. And there were a lot of young people here. The money transfer via smart phone is in the Düsseldorf students also successful. 40 percent of the visitors had the necessary app Bistro (an add-on pack) previously installed.
How it works: After installing (see info box) type in the customer the amount (1.70 euros for a coffee, for example) by selecting "Pay". Thereby a so-called QR code is generated and displayed on the display. This smart phone(THL v12 mtk6577) is held to the reader and the amount from there with "Confirm" transferred. While retail customers so their amounts charged by mobile phone "slide" back and forth, they require a reader dealer. For this transfer to pay cash, according to Becker makers require a fee of 1.5 to two per cent of the amount.
Stockheim starts in late January with eight farms in the station
"This is more economical than the system of payment cards," says Philipp Wichert. The floor manager goes home the same with eight catering establishments such as the Sushi Factory in Central Station at the end of January. Using the new method of payment at the start "250 000 people pass through here every day. . Many of them have the problem that they have not any change boys "Even for the" bad ball "which is supported by floor home in the Rhine terrace, expects Wichert an easier business:" We can no longer keep the change at 3000 guests with car transport. "
If the pilot project at the station just as successful as at the university, wish Becker and Wolff offer the system to the retail trade.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A million sales of LG's flagship smartphone, Optimus G

In the entire third quarter of 2012 reached 7,000,000 LG sales with its line of smartphones.
Nearly four months after the launch of G Optimus smartphone - ThL W5, LG has just announced that it has sold over 1 million units, according to information from Korean news agency Yonhap.
LG Optimus G went on sale in Korea last September and were pioneered in other countries in October. This puts a million sales far behind rival phones from Samsung and Apple.
The Galaxy S3, for example, has achieved 41 million in sales channel since its launch last May, and Apple sold more than 2 million units of iPhone 5 in just its first weekend available in China - THL w6 smartphone.
Optimus G is still preparing to land in China but the company hopes to promote it and later this quarter in Europe.
In the entire third quarter of 2012 reached 7,000,000 LG sales of its smartphones. The company is optimistic about growth in 2013 and expects to sell 45 million smartphones(thl v12 specs) this year. This could be a challenge, given the time it has taken to reach this fall G Optimus his first million.
However, this model has become for the Asian manufacturer in one of its most striking and powerful devices on the market. Both its design and ease of operation have been key to stand as one of the most balanced smartphones in the industry.
Not for nothing was the basis for making the Nexus 4, in which LG expects a substantial increase in sales of its smartphones, and has received high praise at CES 2013, recently held in Las Vegas. Its design, features and brand respect for the environment have been applauded.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cheap Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus comes

Price attack from Samsung: cheap version of the successful Galaxy S series, plus S2 for 325 euros.
Save with Samsung: The Koreans have their successful Galaxy S series now also in a cheap version. End of January the Galaxy S2 Plus - JIAYU G2 plus, the launch costs around 325 euros, according to experience soon but probably still cheaper to have.
B.Z. reveals whether the savings Handy earned his "plus".
At first glance there is no difference for Galaxy S2 from the year 2011 can be seen, the predecessor of the current flagship S3 (from 425 euros). The hardware is identical to the little things. Only the store can now expand via SD card to 64 GB, with the previous S2 there were only 32 GB.
The main difference is under the hood. While the original S2 still waiting on the update to Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean - JIAYU G2S, this much improved version of Android is installed on the new model from the factory. It includes several new features, such as Direct Call (Call no green button, just the Galaxy to the ear) or Smartstay in which recognizes the phone, if your eyes look at the screen, and the brightness adjusts accordingly.
Interestingly, the S2, that was a year ago, one of the best smartphones in the world, in its new version for bargain hunters - and for all, that the current smartphone(JIAYU G3 case) giant S3 (with its 4.8-inch screen 12.2 centimeters ) is just too big. Because the S2 Plus, at 4.3 inches (10.9 centimeters) still comfortably compact. Small but perfectly formed!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nexus 4, the short-lived smartphone

Despite being one of the most anticipated smartphones(JIAYU JY-G2) of 2012, it seems that LG has stopped production of the manufactured device with Google.
Who wants to be a Nexus 4 will have to wait a while ... if it returns to have the opportunity to buy it. And although this was one of the most anticipated phones of 2012, (and this year, given the number of people who left with the desire to buy it), it seems that LG has decided that for now will not build more terminals smartphone(JIAYU G3 accessories) marketed by Google.
James Fisher, vice president of LG, said at the recent CES in Las Vegas that the Nexus 4 was only "the first of many" products that your company works closely with Google. The negative interpretation of this phrase is that there will be no Nexus 4 - JIAYU G3 battery, the positive is that there will be a Nexus 5.
Since leaving the Nexus 4 has generated great excitement, especially for the price, subject to which LG and Google had its pluses and minuses. The fact that it was so difficult to buy a unit in Europe, sold out in hours, surrounded him with an aura of legend, or demonstrated that the number of units available for sale was really small, selling almost dropper, such mode time to market experiment or trial.
Now it seems that LG wants to focus on their upcoming device, so the Nexus 4 has been relegated to the background. However LG denies itself the Nexus 4 production has stopped completely, and claims that are false rumors that the company is working on Nexus 5.
But if there will be, at least for now, a new smartphone from LG, what is exactly what happens in Nexus 4 and why LG does not increase the production of this device? Why deny that you are working on a Nexus 5, when almost certainly will?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Google Nexus 7

According to rumors Apple will release later this year, a cheaper iPhone, which the company could score points in emerging markets. Apple's marketing boss is taking the rumors of a "cheap iPhone(JIAYU G3 buy)" in an interview, but the wind from the sails: A "cheap phone" it will not be from Apple.
Phil Schiller, Tim Cook seems to have accompanied on his recent trip to China - the interview with Apple's marketing chief appeared in the newspaper Shanghai Evening News, is a translation of Schiller's statements it at The Next Web.
Schiller looks back at the development in recent years in the Chinese market: First, are "non-smartphone" the most popular devices in the Middle Kingdom have been. Now cheap smartphones(JIAYU JY-G2) are popular, "non-smartphone" played no role. "Despite the popularity of the cheap smartphones that will never be the future of Apple's products." Is important to note that Apple with the iPhone has only been around 20 percent market share, but make 75 percent of global income.
For every Apple product using Apple "only the best available technology on the market." These included the "production pipeline", as well as components such as the Retina display or the unibody enclosure, so Schiller.
That Apple is playing with the idea to release a cheaper iPhone(JIAYU G1) is not even in the face of these statements excluded. However, it seems as if the company wants to go in terms of quality and profit margin are not too big compromise - a "cheap iPhone" from lower-quality materials, there should be not so.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Huawei has it bigger: Ascend smartphone 6.1 inch Mate

I still remember the days when mobile looking miniaturization, mobile services were still thin, fine, fine. It was the time of Aque popular Motorola V3, however, came the smartphone(JIAYU G3 mtk6577) revolution with Symbian and Windows Mobile.
A little later came the iPhone and Touch enduring trend so far and what has been lately estilando are larger and larger screens. It seems that the market is converging towards intermediate devices between a tablet and a smartphone(JIAYU G2 dual core) purely said. It is what is known in the scene as phablet technology, smartphones large screen, such as Samsung's Galaxy Note for example.
In this segment Huawei has hit the table and made it clear that a screen size no one can beat them today presenting Huawei Ascend Mate, a smartphone with a 6.1 inch diagonal screen. No typo, 6.1 inches.
The Chinese manufacturer Huawei has unveiled the Ascend Mate passes for the 'largest mobile mundo'con 6.1 inch screen.
"Mobile(JIAYU G1)" in quotes because by its immense size category totals reign phablet where models like the Samsung Galaxy Note II. Of course, if we said that the 5 inches would be the standard in 2013, maybe we should stay short.
In any case, despite its size, is not a supersmartphone, as its resolution of 720 x 1280 is 'small' for its size, quad-core processor is a signature that does not reach the power of Samsung's Exynos or Qualcomm's Snapdragon and internal storage capacity only includes 8 Gbytes.
Yes big your battery as 4050 mAh exceeds what influences weighs just 200 grams, too much for a 'mobile' but you know how it is the sector with the 'big donkey, walk or not walk'.
With Android 4.1.2 and Emotion UI interface, this Ascend Mate will be available this ms in China for an international release in March. With features designed to enhance its use in this type of screen as big as the use with gloves, an interface that can be attached to one side and can be used with one hand or panels that can float over other content.

Lenovo will launch a 27-inch tablet and seven kilos

Inventions are so surprised when they announced that either will be forgotten more absolute or revolutionize the market will already be copied by others. The latest from the Chinese technology Lenovo(quad core tablet 10.1) seems more designed to not have continuity, since preparing a tablet of no less than 27 inches and seven kilos, unwieldy and that goes against the philosophy of these devices.
The new gadget from Lenovo born with the idea of being a tablet(freelander pd90 10.1) for the whole family, and which may be used for up to four people at once by what they called "interpersonal computer", preventing despite being all home , each with its own computer is.
The 27-inch tablet(FNF Ifive X RK3066) from Lenovo has the same footprint as 8 iPads together, which gives an idea of its enormous size. The starting price of the device will be $ 1,700 and has been featured at CES in Las Vegas, one of the fairs of reference in the world of new technologies.
Genius Or just a gimmick only time will tell. What is certain is that this 27-inch tablet is accompanied by a plastic hubs enable its users to play virtual air hockey and other games joysticks, which gives an idea of the concept of this new tablet.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Kupa X15 Tablet PC: top model with 64GB SSD, 10.1-inch and 8GB DDR3 RAM presented

On the MobileCon 2012 last year, the new Kupa was presented X15 Tablet PC - FreeLander PD90 RK3066, which will be one of the top models in some countries, at a price which is at the lowest trim level at around 1100 U.S. $ (about 830 €) lies.
The smallest model of the Kupa X15 Tablet PC(Ampe A10 Dual Core) is equipped with a 10.1-inch touchscreen display that an Intel Core i5 processor, the third "Ivy Bridge" generation of Intel, a 64GB SSD hard drive and 8GB of DDR3 memory. The touchscreen display supports a full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and there is the Windows 8 operating system into play.
Who again will invest roughly € 100 more gets a larger 128GB SSD hard drive installed. For further € 80 it is then added another 3G (HSDPA +) data module to access the Web. As a top model you can get for 1600 U.S. $ (approx. € 1,210) has an Intel Core i7 processor, the aforementioned 128GB SSD, 3G (HSDPA +), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and two cameras with 1.3-megapixel resolution and a 5 - megapixel on the front and back are attached. Whether the Kupa X15 Tablet PC(quad core android 4.1 tablets) is to get buy in Germany is not yet out.
The technical data / specifications / data sheet of the Kupa X15 Tablet PC:
  • 10.1-inch touchscreen display with full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • 64GB SSD hard drive
  • 8GB DDR3 RAM
  • Intel Core i5 processor (Sandy Bridge generation)
  • Windows OS 8
  • Charge options: 128GB SSD, 3G (HSDPA +), WiFi, Bluetooth, two cameras with 1.3-megapixel and 5-megapixel resolution, Intel Core i7 processor
  • Price: starting at around 830 € (entry level) to around € 1210 (high end model)
  • Release Date Germany: Unknown

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Asus is preparing a 10-inch tablet that will sell for 300 euros

Undoubtedly, Asus has a few surprises in store for the year ahead. In addition to the rumored tablet that many point to as the Nexus of 99 euros, the Taiwanese "cook" for February midrange equipment, 10-inch Tegra 3 processor that will sell for about 300 euros. The device is known, so far, with ME301T code, something like that once had the Nexus 7 - Freelander AP10 Mini PC.
If the rumors are true, Asus will be the most prolific manufacturer of 2013 by far. Not only are attributed the alleged Nexus 7 of 99 euros, still known ME172V, and another model with Intel, ME371MG, gathered here also mention the possibility that the Taiwanese brand sells equipment 7 inch even cheaper (hovering 75 euros). In addition, two other devices with nomenclatures and MSQK0W MSQK001 underwent American Telecommunications Commission last month, even though we know little about it. What seems clear is that this brand will not deal with the second generation of Nexus 7, a task that will be provided by Motorola - fnf ifive 2 tablet.
Meanwhile unknown team appears some certainty is that SlashGear has confirmed the launch of a 10-inch tablet in February this year, named for now (and before marketing, we understand) is Pad10 Memo ME301T. Already have transcended some of the technical specifications of this device: take a processor Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core with 1GB of RAM, will have a storage capacity of 16GB, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean run and presented in two versions, one with connectivity WiFi only and WiFi +3 G. other The weakest point of the team, it seems, is the resolution of your screen, only 1280 × 800, identical to the Galaxy Note 10.1 - tablet pc quad core processor.
Asus has been one of the most powerful companies in the field of tablets last year, to be responsible for equipment such as Nexus 7, Infinity or Padfone Transformer 2, for this was recognized at the awards T3. If the Taiwanese company to commercialize everything just seems to be brought up to, definitely going to repeat the milestone and, if so, we doubt that no other manufacturer can keep up. Begin shortly see what Asus has really prepared us.